68 research outputs found

    The Fundamentals of Global Outsourcing for Manufacturers

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    Political and economic implications of the Turkish earthquakes: centralisation of power has eroded state capacity

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    On 6 February 2023, Turkey was hit by one of the worst earthquakes in its history. Buildings were destroyed and damaged across the southern and eastern provinces. The official death toll is already over 50,000, and it is conceivable that the real num­bers will be much higher. The earthquake also exposed the scale of political and institutional deterioration in Turkey. During Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's two decades in power, Turkey has experienced an enormous construction boom, evolved into an impor­tant player in humanitarian aid, and become an increasingly important region­al military actor. However, the earthquake revealed that the highly centralised and personalised system of power had weakened state institutions and undermined their capacity to deliver. Turkey needs to reform its disaster management and gov­ern­ance. The European Union should assist the recovery and reconstruction efforts by target­ing aid and using the momentum to mitigate anti-Westernism. (author's abstract

    Urticarial Vasculitis

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    Urticarial vasculitis (UV) is a small vessel vasculitis and an immune-complex mediated disease like other leukocytoclastic vasculitis. UV seems similar to common urticaria clinically. Major difference between urticarial vasculitis and urticaria is the duration of lesions. Urticarial lesions regress in 24 hours, but UV lesions persist longer than 24 hours. Residual hyperpigmentation, constitutional symptoms like fever, arthralgia, and abdominal pain are other main clinical differences between these disorders. Upon confirmation of diagnosis, patients are divided into two major categories on the basis of serum complement levels: normocomplementemic UV (NUV) and hypocomplementemic UV (HUV). Consensus meeting in 1996 stated that long lasting (at least 24 hour–5 days) indurated wheals, which may be itchy, painful or tender, be associated with purpura and presence of associated extracutaneous findings, and cutaneous vasculitis confirmed by histopathological examination are defined as UV

    Pathological yawning in patients with acute middle cerebral artery infarction: Prognostic significance and association with the infarct location

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    Background: Pathological yawning is a compulsive, frequent, repetitive yawning triggered by a specific reason besides fatigue or boredom. It may be related to iatrogenic, neurologic, psychiatric, gastrointestinal, or metabolic disorders. Moreover, it could also be seen in the course of an ischemic stroke. Aims: To determine whether pathological yawning is a prognostic marker of middle cerebral artery stroke and evaluate its relationship with the infarct location. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: We examined 161 patients with acute middle cerebral artery stroke, consecutively admitted to emergency department. Demographic information, stroke risk factors, stroke type according to Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment classification, blood oxygen saturation, body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, glucose levels, daytime of stroke onset, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score, at admission and 24 h), modified Rankin scale (at 3 months), and infarct locations were documented. Pathological yawning was defined as ?3 yawns/15 min. All patients were observed for 6 hours to detect pathological yawning. National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score >10 was determined as severe stroke. The correlation between the presence of pathological yawning and stroke severity, infarct location, and the short-and long-term outcomes of the patients were evaluated. Results: Sixty-nine (42.9%) patients had pathological yawning and 112 (69.6%) had cortical infarcts. Insular and opercular infarcts were detected in 65 (40.4%) and 54 (33.5%) patients, respectively. Pathological yawning was more frequently observed in patients with cortical, insular, and opercular infarcts (p<0.05). Pathological yawning was related to higher National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores. Patients with severe stroke (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score ?10) presented with more pathological yawning than those with mild to moderate strokes (p<0.05). The clinical outcomes and mortality rates showed no significant relationship with the occurrence of pathological yawning. Conclusion: Pathological yawning in middle cerebral artery stroke was associated with stroke severity, presence of cortical involvement, and insular and opercular infarcts. However, no association was found with long-term outcome and mortality. ©Copyright 2020 by Trakya University Faculty of Medicine / The Balkan Medical Journal published by Galenos Publishing House

    Turkey's new cabinet: a wind of change in Turkish politics?

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    The inclusion of technocrats and bureaucrats in Turkey’s new cabinet has led to cautious optimism over a possible change in direction. While President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s choice of economy minister hints at a reset, the thrust of foreign policy will remain unchanged. Here Ankara will pursue a moderate and diplomatic approach while still pursuing strategic autonomy. A great deal will depend on what Erdoğan wants and how he chooses to employ foreign relations to attract better financial and economic deals. Given Turkey’s importance as a security partner, especially in light of Russia’s war against Ukraine, the EU needs to develop a strategic approach on the basis of common interests and institutionalised relations. (author's abstract

    Ende der Eiszeit zwischen Ägypten und der Türkei: außenpolitische und wirtschaftliche Schwächen bringen die Regime in Kairo und Ankara einander näher

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    Der Besuch einer hochrangigen türkischen Delegation in Kairo Anfang Mai 2021 mar­kiert einen Wendepunkt in den Beziehungen zwischen der Türkei und Ägypten. Das Verhältnis der Führungen dieser beiden bevölkerungsreichsten Mittelmeeranrainer war seit dem Militärputsch in Ägypten 2013 extrem feindselig gewesen. Die jetzige Annäherung, die in der Wiederaufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen münden könnte, kommt insofern überraschend. Und ihr sind Grenzen gesetzt. Einer engeren Partnerschaft der Präsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdoğan und Abdel-Fatah al-Sisi stehen vor allem Unterschiede in den ideologischen Fundamenten ihrer Herrschaft entgegen. Der außenpolitische Kurswechsel soll den Handlungsspielraum beider Präsidenten ver­größern. Denn ihre Regime stehen aufgrund regionaler, internationaler, aber auch interner Entwicklungen unter Druck. Deutschland und die EU sollten die Annäherung unterstützen, weil sie zur Deeskalation in der Region beitragen kann. Die gegen­wärtige außenpolitische und wirtschaftliche Schwäche der Regime könnte auch eine Chance bieten, politisches Umdenken in anderen Bereichen einzufordern. (Autorenreferat

    Demographic, Clinical and Electrophysiological Characteristics of the Hereditary Neuropathy Patients in Sakarya

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    Amaç Herediter nöropatiler; periferik sinir sisteminde, demyelinizasyon ve/veya akson kaybına yol açan, ilerleyici bir hastalık grubudur. Herediter nöropatiler genellikle aileselolmakla birlikte, sporadik olgular da nadiren görülebilir. Çalışmamızda Sakarya ilindeki herediter nöropatili olguların, demografik, klinik ve elektrofizyolojik özellikleriaraştırılmıştır. ( Sakarya Tıp Dergisi 2019, 9(1):120-124 )Gereç veYöntemBu çalışmaya, merkezimize 2011-2016 yılları arasında başvuran, herediter sensorimotor nöropati (HSMN) tanısı alan 26 hasta dahil edildi. Bu hastalara ait veriler; yaş,cinsiyet, hastalık başlangıç yaşı, başvuru yakınmaları, akraba evliliği, klinik ve elektrofizyolojik bulgular, ailesel ve genetik özellikler açısından retrospektif olarak incelendi.Bulgular Kliniğimizde takip edilen 26 hastanın 13’ü (%50) erkekti. Yaş ortalaması 41±12,29 iken hastalık bulgularının başlangıç yaş ortalaması 23,26±13,7 idi. Elektrofizyolojikincelemeler, 9 hastada aksonal, 12 hastada demiyelinizan ve 5 hastada mikst formda bir hasarı göstermekteydi. Genetik incelemelerde, 5 hastada heterezigot PMP 22delesyon ve 2 hastada PMP 22 duplikasyonu tespit edildi. Böylece, 5 hasta Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT)-1A, 2 hasta herediter basınca duyarlı polinöropati (HNPP) tanısıalırken, diğer 19 hasta ise tiplendirilemeyen herediter nöropati olarak değerlendirildi.Sonuç Son yıllarda moleküler biyoloji alanındaki yeni gelişmeler şimdiye kadar pek çok sınıflandırılamamış herediter nöropati tipinin tanınmasına yönelik önemli kazanımlarsağlamıştır. Çalışmamızda, Türkiye’de genotip değerlendirmesi yapılabilen demiyelinizan tip olguların Sakarya ilindeki fenotipik özellikleri değerlendirilmiş ve literatürle kıyaslanmıştır.Objective Hereditary neuropathies are a group of progressive disease that leads to demyelination and / or loss of axons in the peripheral nervous system. Although hereditary neuropathies frequently occurs in familial form, sporadic cases are rarely seen. In our study, demographic, clinical, and electrophysiological characteristics of hereditary neuropathy patients in Sakarya province were investigated. ( Sakarya Med J 2019, 9(1):120-124 ) Materials and Methods Totally 26 registered patients who were diagnosed as hereditary sensorimotor neuropathy (HSMN) between 2011 and 2016 were recruited for this study. The data of these patients were analyzed retrospectively in terms of age, gender, age at symptoms onset, referral complaints, consanguineous marriage, clinical and electrophysiological findings, familial and genetic features. Results Of the 26 patients followed up in our clinic, 13 (50%) were male. The mean age of the patients was 41±12,29, while the mean age of the symptoms onset was 23,26±13,7. Electrophysiological examinations showed axonal neuropathy in 9, demyelinating neuropathy in 12, and mixed neuropathy in 5 cases. Genetic studies revealed heterozygous PMP 22 deletion in 5 cases and PMP 22 duplication in 2 cases. Therefore, 5 cases were diagnosed as Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT)-1A, 2 cases were diagnosed as hereditary pressure sensitive polyneuropathy (HNPP), while other 19 cases were evaluated as unclassified hereditary neuropathy. Conclusion Recent advances in the field of molecular biology have provided significant development in recognition of many unclassified types of hereditary neuropathies. In our study, the phenotypic characteristics of demyelinating type cases which can be genotyped in Turkey of Sakarya province was evaluated and compared with the literature.

    Evaluation of Interictal Electroencephalography Findings in Patients with Focal Epilepsy: Does Secondary Bilateral Synchrony Play a Role on Seizure Frequency?

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    Objectives: Interictal electroencephalography (EEG) is an electrophysiological test used in daily practice and important in the diagnosis and treatment process for epileptic patients. Accurate assessment of the interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) and recognition of secondary bilateral synchrony (SBS) are important for the evaluation of appropriate treatment options. In this study, we investigated whether the presence of SBS is a risk factor for seizure frequency, treatment response, and localization. Methods: In this study, the data of 126 patients who were followed up with the diagnosis of epilepsy in the Neurology Outpatient Clinic of Namk Kemal University Education and Research Hospital were analyzed retrospectively. Demographic characteristics, seizure frequency, localization, treatment response and EEG characteristics of the patients were investigated and the results of 122 patients were obtained. Results: Fifty-eight (46%) of the patients were female, and 68 (54%) were male. The mean age was 36.5 +/- 16.4 (15-78) years. EEG of 15 patients (12.2%) was reported as SBS. Focal epileptiform abnormality was detected in 54 patients (44.2%) and focal irregular background activity (non-epileptic findings) was found in 12 patients (9.8%). When semiological features and EEG findings were evaluated together, 44 patients (34.9%) were classified as frontal lobe seizures, 66 patients (52.4%) as temporal lobe seizures, 16 patients (12.6%) as the others. Forty-six patients (36.5%) had no seizures, while 15 (11.9%) had one seizure per year, 46 (36.5%) had one seizure in one to six months, and 19 (15.1%) had daily or weekly seizures. Twenty-nine (23%) of the 46 seizure-free patients became seizure-free in an early stage, 17 patients (13.5%) became seizure-free after the sixth month of the treatment. Conclusion: Although the presence of IED and SBS in interictal EEG is not a risk factor for seizure frequency and treatment response, and the rate of SBS is higher in frontal lobe seizures. The presence of IED and SBS in the management of treatment may lead to false results

    Evaluation of Interictal Electroencephalography Findings in Patients with Focal Epilepsy: Does Secondary Bilateral Synchrony Play a Role on Seizure Frequency?

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    Amaç: İnteriktal elektroensefalografi (EEG) epilepsi hastaları için günlük pratikte sıklıkla kullanılan, tanı ve tedavi sürecinde önemli olan elektrofizyolojik bir testtir. İnteriktal epileptiform deşarjların (İED) doğru değerlendirilmesi ve sekonder bilateral senkroninin (SBS) tanınması uygun tedavi seçeneklerinin değerlendirilmesi için önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, SBS varlığının nöbet sıklığı, lokalizasyon ve tedavi yanıtında rolü olup olmadığının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Uygulama ve Araştırma Hastanesi Nöroloji Polikliniği’nde epilepsi tanısı ile takip edilmekte olan 126 hastanın verileri geriye dönük olarak incelenmiştir. Hastaların demografik özellikleri, nöbet sıklığı, lokalizasyonu, tedavi yanıtı ve EEG özellikleri incelenmiş ve 122 hastanın sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır. Bulgular: Olguların 58’i (%46) kadın, 68’i (%54) erkektir. Yaş ortalaması 36.5±16.4 (15–78) olarak saptanmıştır. On beş hastanın (%12.2) EEG’sinin SBS olarak raporlandığı tespit edilmiştir. Elli dört hastada (%44.2) fokal epileptiform anomali, 12 hastada (%9.8) fokal zemin ritmi düzensizliği (non-epileptik bulgular) saptanmıştır. Semiyolojik özellikler ve EEG bulguları ile birlikte değerlendirildiğinde 44 hasta (%34.9) frontal lob nöbet, 66 hasta (%52.4) temporal lob nöbet ve 16 hasta (%12.6) diğerleri olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Yüz yirmi altı hastanın 46’sı (%36.5) nöbetsiz iken 15 hastada (%11.9) yılda bir nöbet, 46 hastada (%36.5) 1–6 ayda bir nöbet ve 19 hastada (%15.1) günlük ya da haftalık nöbetler olduğu saptanmıştır. Kırkaltı nöbetsiz hastanın 29’unda (%23) erken dönemde, 17’sinde (%13.5) tedavinin başlanmasından altı ay sonra nöbetsizlik elde edilebilmiştir. Sonuç: İnteriktal EEG’de, İED ve SBS varlığı nöbet sıklığı ve tedavi yanıtı açısından risk faktörü olmamakla birlikte frontal lob nöbetlerde SBS oranı daha yüksektir. Tedavi düzenlenmesinde, İED ve SBS varlığının göz önünde bulundurulması yanlış sonuçlara neden olabilirObjectives: Interictal electroencephalography (EEG) is an electrophysiological test used in daily practice and important in the diagnosis and treatment process for epileptic patients. Accurate assessment of the interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) and recognition of secondary bilateral synchrony (SBS) are important for the evaluation of appropriate treatment options. In this study, we investigated whether the presence of SBS is a risk factor for seizure frequency, treatment response, and localization. Methods: In this study, the data of 126 patients who were followed up with the diagnosis of epilepsy in the Neurology Outpatient Clinic of Namık Kemal University Education and Research Hospital were analyzed retrospectively. Demographic characteristics, seizure frequency, localization, treatment response and EEG characteristics of the patients were investigated and the results of 122 patients were obtained. Results: Fifty-eight (46%) of the patients were female, and 68 (54%) were male. The mean age was 36.5±16.4 (15–78) years. EEG of 15 patients (12.2%) was reported as SBS. Focal epileptiform abnormality was detected in 54 patients (44.2%) and focal irregular background activity (non-epileptic findings) was found in 12 patients (9.8%). When semiological features and EEG findings were evaluated together, 44 patients (34.9%) were classified as frontal lobe seizures, 66 patients (52.4%) as temporal lobe seizures, 16 patients (12.6%) as the others. Forty-six patients (36.5%) had no seizures, while 15 (11.9%) had one seizure per year, 46 (36.5%) had one seizure in one to six months, and 19 (15.1%) had daily or weekly seizures. Twenty-nine (23%) of the 46 seizure-free patients became seizure-free in an early stage, 17 patients (13.5%) became seizure-free after the sixth month of the treatment. Conclusion: Although the presence of IED and SBS in interictal EEG is not a risk factor for seizure frequency and treatment response, and the rate of SBS is higher in frontal lobe seizures. The presence of IED and SBS in the management of treatment may lead to false results

    Patent Foramen Ovale in Young Patients with Ischemic Stroke

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    INTRODUCTION: The foramen ovale is a hole in the interatrial septum in prenatal period, which is closed after birth with the increase of left atrium pressure. If it does not close, stroke due to parodoxically embolism, local thrombosis, arrhythmia and hypercoagulability can be seen. In this article, the frequency of patent foramen ovale (PFO) and atrial septal aneurysm (ASA), treatment approaches and follow-up results have been reported in young stroke patients. METHODS: The files of 163 young stroke patients between 18 and 45 years of age who were followed up at our clinic were reviewed retrospectively. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) revealed PFO in 2 patients, ASA in 2 patients. Transeosophageal echocardiography (TEE) reported PFO in 5 patients. Age, gender, premorbid disease and antiaggregant-anticoagulant medical theraphy, routine tests, imaging, TTE and TEE findings, treatment protocols, stroke recurrence were recorded. RESULTS: PFO was detected in 5 of 163 young stroke patients (3.06%) (3K, 2E). The average age was 30.2 (18-42). One patient had transient ischemic attack and 4 patients had stroke. There was a 1 patient has a previous stroke and 2 patients were smokers. Carotis stenosis was not detected in patients. ANA was positive in recurrent stroke patient, another patient had recurrent abortion, heterozygote mutation of FVL, MTHFR C677T and A1298C and hyperhomocysteinemia. One patient had PFO and no other pathological result for etiological investigation. Endovascular closure was performed in 2 patients. 2 patients were treated with acetylsalicylic acid and 2 patients were treated with warfarin. No recurrent stroke was seen in 3-5 year follow-ups. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: PFO investigation in young patients should be perform as a medical and surgically treatable factor against the risk of recurrence. In addition to the cryptogenic case, it is emphasized in all young stroke patients that TTE and TTE should be performed even in the presence of a known risk factor